Geonet Property & Finance Group Podcast | Episode 18 – “If you’ve got equity, utilise it.” | An Interview with Financebetter

Not all mortgage brokers are cut from the same cloth. And that is why we work with Louis “Lucky” Velasquez and Jaka Indra from Financebetter. In today’s podcast, we are thrilled to have them in our studio, sitting down with International Sales Manager Mark Reed.

This episode is packed with first-hand insights from the finance industry and the pivotal point that the Australian market is reaching, weighing equity vs. cash flow, and the risks of ‘parking your equity.’

Topics covered:
– Putting the passion in finance – getting to know the team at Financebetter
– Affordability in the Australian Property Market
– Capital appreciation vs. cash flow
– Equity release and cash-flow property investment
– SMSF Property Investment
– The opportunities they have seen while on the ground here in Bali

This episode is one to save and re-watch, or even better, get in touch with the team at GPFG to find out more about your equity position. Mark, Jaka, and Lucky can show you how to use your equity for smart investments for your retirement goals.

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