
The Geonet Investment Fund

Connecting real estate investors and hoteliers together at scale.

Book a call with our Investment Fund Management team

The Geonet Investment Fund offers sophisticated investors access to high-growth real estate and tourism opportunities in Bali.*

Opportunity Focal Points

  1. Revitalising Old Stock: Upgrading ageing hotels to meet modern standards and consumer expectations
  2. Focus on High-Demand Areas: Investing in prime areas, including Legian, Seminyak, and Jimbaran.
  3. Lifestyle Experience: Shifting the focus from traditional accommodation to a lifestyle-centric experience that caters to today’s traveller.
Take the next step in building your portfolio with our Fund, contact our investment team.

By checking this box, I confirm that I meet the requirements of a Wholesale Investor under Chapter 7 of the Corporations Act. I certify that I either: 1.) Have a gross income of at least $250,000 per year for the last two years, or net assets of at least $2.5 million, as evidenced by a qualified accountant's certificate issued within the past six months; or 2.) Am making an investment of at least $500,000 in this opportunity.


The information on this website is prepared by Geonet Investment Management Pty Ltd (ABN 84 6809 20174, CAR NO: 001312488) a Corporate Authorised Representative of Cache Investment Management Ltd (ACN 614306430 AFSL No. 518360). The information on this website is for wholesale or sophisticated clients only as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), and is not intended to be received, read or relied upon by anyone else, including retail clients.

Quay Fund Services Ltd (ACN 616465671 AFSL 494886) is the Trustee of the Geonet Investment Fund (Fund). Geonet is the Trust’s Investment Manager. Any information or advice contained on this website is general in nature and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on any information or advice on this website, Quay recommends you consider the appropriateness of the information and advice having regard to your circumstances. You must also read the offer document and any other disclosure documents in full before acquiring products named on this website. You should also seek independent financial advice prior to deciding to invest in, or continuing to hold, any financial product.

*All investments, involve risk which can lead to no or lower than expected returns, or a loss of part or all of your capital. Past performance of any product described on this site is not a reliable indication of future performance. For a copy of the Information Memorandum please click here.
