As Seen in Forbes…

We were thrilled to work with Forbes Australia on this piece on Bali property investment, and how GPFG offers solutions for investors who are looking for alternatives to Australian property. In the article, our Founder Chad Egan discusses why Bali is the “perfect storm” for property investors.

Read the article now!

“It was an incredible opportunity to work with the Forbes Australia editorial team on this piece,” says GPFG CEO Chad Egan. “Their audience and many of their readers are property investors who are seeing the challenges in the current market in Australia. We were happy to collaborate with them to tell our story, and show how we offer solutions for them to be able to invest at lower price points and earn cash flow from day one.”

For more information on how you can invest with GPFG and earn double-digit returns through investment in Bali and with some of the world’s most renowned hotel brands, get in touch with our team today!  

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