Geonet Property & Finance Group Podcast | Episode 10 – Exploring Self-Managed Super Funds with Andrew Bonnici

In this episode of the GPFG Podcast, Chad Egan sits down with Andrew Bonnici, one of our go-to experts on financial planning. Andrew is here today to go through the basics and a few burning questions from Chad for the hot topic – Self Managed Super Funds (SMSFs). 

What are the main differences between SMSF and industry or retail funds? Andrew breaks it down to a few key points covering costs, benefits, but the main difference is control.

“With a self managed Super Fund, you’re not only the beneficiary but you’re also the trustee. So that you’re the guy doing the rules choosing the investments, basically operating it,” says Andrew. “When you go to an industry fund you’re the beneficiary there’s another trustee who’s doing that with a self made suit fund you’re doing both.”

Key points about investments are also covered, as Andrew discusses what he sees in the industry for property versus shares, and also what it takes to be SMSF compliant when investing. 

“The investment must pass what is called the Sole Purpose Test,” he says. “This test ensures that every decision made regarding the assets within a fund is strictly for the purpose of providing retirement income.” For example, a car would not fit this category, if you intend to drive it. 

This episode is a must-watch or must-listen, as it’s chock-full of insights on SMSF, property investment, and portfolio diversification with GPFG. If you’re interested in using your SMSF for investment, please contact us today. We will show you how to do it and retire early by investing in Bali and Thailand, with guaranteed returns of 8% during construction and potential returns of up to 20% once operational.

And, if you would like to reach Andrew for more information or questions, you can anytime: 

Andrew Bonnici.  (BCom, DipFS, Adv DipFS)
Principle Adviser at Endgame Advice.  ABN: 50 950 084 701
Authorised Representative.  No. 222909 of Lifespan Financial Planning.  Pty Ltd (AFSL 229892)
Phone.  0401 945 013

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